Fallout 3 Keeps Zing Windows Vista

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  1. Fallout 3 Windows 10
  2. Fallout 3 Keeps Zing Windows Vista Ca
  3. Fallout 3 Keeps Freezing

Hi.I recently purchased Fallout 3, but i keep having issues with the game. When i clicked new game, my game crashed. I searched for topics all over the net, and i changed the numer of cores to 2, deleted the intro video, installed the d3d9.dll file and lowered my graphics, and now i am able to play for a brief time, like 3-4 minutes, but the game keeps freezing while i'm playing.

Fallout 3 Keeps Zing Windows Vista

Fallout 3 Windows 10

Fallout 3 Keeps Zing Windows VistaWindows

It doesn't come up with an error or anything, just freezes. Can anybody help me, i'm stating to get desperate. My PC is on windows 7, and certainly has high enough specs to run the game properly. Hey guys, had the same problem, did everything and NONE of them worked. Then i found this ONE solution, its a bit of a hassle but worth it if you really want to play this game.1. Press start2.Type in msconfig3.click boot4.click advanced options5.Check the box 'number of proccessors6.click one7. Resart computer8.Enjoy your gamewhen you restart only ONE of your cores in your CPU will run so if you want to do anything afterwards go back to MSCONFIG and uncheck the box you checked and restart.I hope i helped.

Ursprungligen skrivet av:Did you do this?4) Stop multicore crashes by editing with notepad: (THIS SOLVES MOST CRASHES!)My Documentsmy gamesFallout3FALLOUT.INIfind (control F) bUseThreadedAI=0CHANGE to bUseThreadedAI=1Immediately after this line, ADD this new line:iNumHWThreads=2Another thing that might help you is to instlal a KLITE codec pack.It sounds odd, but the built-in sound driver for windows 7 (and vista) conflicts a fair bit with fallout 3.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^WARNINGIf you download this, you'll be flooded with malware. Ursprungligen skrivet av:Hey guys, had the same problem, did everything and NONE of them worked. Then i found this ONE solution, its a bit of a hassle but worth it if you really want to play this game.1.

Fallout 3 Keeps Zing Windows Vista Ca

Press start2.Type in msconfig3.click boot4.click advanced options5.Check the box 'number of proccessors6.click one7. Resart computer8.Enjoy your gamewhen you restart only ONE of your cores in your CPU will run so if you want to do anything afterwards go back to MSCONFIG and uncheck the box you checked and restart.I hope i helpedHoly ♥♥♥♥ dude, it worked for me!

Fallout 3 Keeps Freezing

I had given up trying to fix the game, but this totally did it! Can't thank you enough! GeneralSStartingCell=SCharGenQuest=0001f388SStartingCellY=.;-; 2013-05-16 Too Much Coffee Man; Changed property bUseThreadedAI value from 0 to 1 and added; property iNumHWThreads with value 2. Source:;;; 47175081/;-bUseThreadedAI=1iNumHWThreads=2.Display.Using an editor that features syntax folding can help make manipulating these files easier by reducing visual clutter. By collapsing all sections only the section names are visible.