Games Saves Copy Protected Ps3

Posted on by admin

3685d agoThat's not entirely true. My launch 60GB PS3 YLODed (completely me and my girl's fault because we had the fan vents blocked off)and I had to get a replacement. I'd already scrapped the first one and tried to activate the second one but couldn't.

I called Sony support and not only did they deactivate the old one and activate the new one, they also restored all the movies that I had purchased on PSN. You just need the serial for the unit you are trying to activate.

I hope that helps someone out who wasn't too clear on this issue. 3680d agoIf you buy a game and they lock the saves it shouldn't be your problem when the system loses data, especially when they lock the save data content. That's your blood sweet and tears in that data.

Just because they own the copy writes shouldn't give them to block the owner from using it legally.As far as I'm concerned this transfer feature is a failure in it's current state. Until they find a way to protect both the developer and the saves the way they want they're only hurting the honest gamers. 3680d agoSony should allow the players to store protected and other saves online for free.

At least give the users a few hundred megabytes free.These protected saves are an abuse of the PS3 security features on a PS3. If i had my way every game reviewed would have it's rating lowered a few points just for having protected saves.No matter how awesome a game is. If the company makes an effort to ruin the users experience with c-blocking them from backing up their works the product deserves to get negative criticism for it.Another thing, I read about is when you transfer these saves data on the target system is erased. What good are these features if the fixes are just as locked down as the backup feature?

Are they so people are encouraged to buy new PS3's or actually help the end user?

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On PS3, some savegames are locked, meaning that you cannot backup them and move them to another console.