Style Fellowship The Promise Rapidshare

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Contents.Mission The Massachusetts Promise Fellowship believes that all young people in the have a right to the resources that they need to be successful in life, including a caring adult, a safe place, a healthy start, an effective, and an opportunity to serve. They deliver these 5 promises to youth by training emerging leaders who commit one year of service to support and provide these needed resources to youth throughout the Commonwealth.The 5 Promises Massachusetts Promise Fellows work to deliver the 5 Promises to youth and their communities. These are well-defined objectives developed in partnership with and funders.

The Promise Keepers Movement is Dangerous - Watch Out For It! The Promise Keepers Movement is Dangerous - Watch Out For It!


Reynolds, Editor, Foundation magazineFoundation, Vol. XVI, Issue 1Fundamental Evangelistic Association, P.O. Box 6278, Los Osos, CA 93412A new men's movement called is sweeping our nation like awildfire. Is it of God, or man?

Style Fellowship The Promise Rapidshare

Style Fellowship The Promise Rapidshare Free

Will it solve the problems of those who haveembraced its principles and teachings, or will it compound those problems? Can aBiblical answer be given to those important questions now, or is it best towithhold judgment until a later time?

Style fellowship the promise rapidshare full

Obviously, some very conflicting viewsalready exist as to the basis, programs, benefits and goals of the PromiseKeepers movement. This report is based upon the actual words of its leaders madein public meetings, contained in press releases, or printed in books, magazinesand articles which have either been published or endorsed by leaders of thePromise Keepers movement. It is obvious that this movement is superbly organizedand has tremendous financial resources at its disposal. The way it has caught onsince its formation in 1990, and its ambitious plans for expansion in thefuture, require our immediate response and warning.Most pastors and other individuals have so far heard only good reports aboutit. Even though some have questions and a feeling of uneasiness concerning it,they have had little or no opportunity to examine it carefully. While it is truethat most if not all of the major evangelical and charismatic leaders arepraising, supporting and participating in Promise Keepers, that, in itself is noguarantee that its principles, practices and goals are in accord with theScriptures.

Having personally read every word of the book, Seven Promises of aPromise Keeper, as well as all the latest press releases and many of their otherarticles, we have come to the inescapable conclusion that this movementrepresents another massive effort of Satan to mix truth and error in some verydeceptive ways.Therefore, we do not hesitate to give the strongest possible warning nowconcerning the dangers of the Promise Keepers movement. Our reasons will beclearly stated and properly documented from original sources so that God'speople may be able to see for themselves how this new movement is mixing truthand error. If for no other reason, the Promise Keepers movement is dangerousbecause it promotes an unscriptural agenda of forging a religious unity which isabsolutely forbidden in God's Word (2 Cor. 6:14-7:1; Eph. Its founder andseveral of its leaders are part of the charismatic movement which is a majorcatalyst in the effort to bring about fellowship and eventual union with the; whereas, in truth, the Roman Catholic Church is a falsechurch, preaches a false gospel and is not a part of the body of Christ.Throughout the centuries, the Roman Catholic Church has been an enemy of alltrue believers and the blood of hundreds of thousands of martyrs is upon itshands. However, for the past few decades, the Roman Catholic Church has changedits outward appearance and approaches. It has a new face of tolerance and akindlier public image but the damnable heresies it proclaims remain as dangerousas ever.