Vb Net Windows Media Player Current Position

Posted on by admin

Hey everyone,New to this forum, but i search for answers here often.I have a c# windows application which embeds windows media player on the form. The application (biz rule) requires that the user plays the media file before continuing and saving the file. I would do this by insuring that the currentposition in the file being played is not = 0. However, if the user clicks the stop button in media player, the position goes to 0 (wmpPlayer.Ctlcontrols.currentPosition).i think i know the answer:-(, but figured i'd ask the question, is it possible to disable ONLY the stop button in the media player control?


I know you can disable all controls, but have been unable to figure out how to disable just the one (my guess from my research is that you can't, but I figured I ask anyways)My other option is to create my own play/pause button and disable all the controls on th eplayer. Would like to avoid this if i couldThanks- S.

Vb Net Windows Media Player Current Position Free

Hi all, i am using windows media player in VB6 to play videos and when paused the current position of the video file is stored into a database. That works all good. I wanted some help in displaying the current position on my from.

Vb net windows media player current position free

As in you can see all the hr,min, sec. Or even to just see the frames in a figure.

Vb Net Windows Media Player Current Position Free

Can any one help me??thank youamitWhat code do you use to do what you do? If I want to play a video namedvideo114and the video is located at H:Photos & VideosSimpsonVideoClipsI want it to plat in a picture box named VideoPlayer.Thanks.