Highslide Installation
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We've been looking at a way to enhance our ecommerce and photography software for some time, and were lucky enough to stumble upon Highslide JS. Integration was incredibly straight forward, the documentation and examples meant that we could very quickly decide on the best way forward for our own application, and within an hour we had rewritten our own software to include the Highslide JS functionality as standard.
We've tested it on several browsers across several platforms and it works perfectly so far, with no hanging around waiting for java applets to install or inconvenient cabfile installations. We would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Highslide to anyone who is considering taking a huge leap forward with their image galleries. Excellent work Torstein, thank you! You may want to create a html page to show if the script fails in old browsers or if the user has disabled JavaScript. This is a good idea for database powered sites, where you can display the text in the fallback page. To achieve this you supply the function call of the onclick-attribute with a second parameter where you specify a.
Read more about these parameters under below. CSS rulesHighslide JS relies on a number of CSS rules for the layout and functionality to work.
You can modify the presentational properties, like border, background, padding etc. To suit your design.
Javascript Image Gallery With Thumbnails
Other properties, like position and display, should remain untouched. These CSS-rules are defined.highslide-container The top-level container for all dynamic content generated by Highslide. This class has a font family and type declaration that by default applies to all popups.highslide Used on the a-tag surrounding the thumbnail to apply the zoom cursor.highslide-active-anchor Since version 3.3, the additional class name given to the anchor when it is opened. To hide the thumbnail when a full image is opened, set visibility: hidden on.highslide-active-anchor img.highslide-caption Styles for the. Obviously necessary only if you use.highslide-controls The wrapper element for the controls overlaid on the image in slideshow mode. Each single button's class name is.highslide-previous,.highslide-play,.highslide-pause,.highslide-next,.highslide-full-expand and.highslide-close.highslide-credits The credits label, 'Powered by.'
.highslide-dimming When using a dimmed page background, this is where you specify the color of the background.highslide-full-expand Since version 3.3, the CSS rule where you define background image and other properties for the full-expand label.highslide-heading Styles for the.highslide-image This is where you specify the borders for the expanded image.highslide-image-blur Occurs on the expanded image when another image is expanded on top of it. The styles of.highslide-image are inherited for the blurred image, but you can specify additional properties. For instance a different border-color for the blurred image.highslide-loading Styles for the Loading-element that appears on top of the thumbnail when the full size image is loading.
You display a loading graphic by defining a background-image for this element. For the Loading-text not to show, adjust the.highslide-move The class name to use if you want a text anchor in the to allow the user to move the image.
See.highslide-number The styling for the index number, like 'Image 1 of 5'.highslide-overlay The initial class name for. This class only states that the display property should be none. You can useother class names for your overlay if you specify the correct display. Three levels of customizing 1) Settings for your entire siteAlthough you may adjust the settings in the top of the highslide.js itself, this approach may be unfortunate if you want to upgrade to a new version of Highslide JS later, because you have to change the settings in the new file. Also, if you use the packed version of the script, you cannot do this.
Best practice for site settings is to create a separate file, for instance highslide.cfg.js and include it directly after highslide.js. In this file, you define settings like this. Positioning the expanded contentBy default the expanded content appears centered above the opening anchor if the viewport allows it. If the popup bumbps into one of the sides of the viewport, it will move so that all of the content is visible. The position can be controled in detail by using one of the methods below. These require that you use the highslide-full.js configuration, or you get your own configuration from the with 'Advanced positioning' turned on. To center the expander in the viewport, use the setting.
Use the setting to control where the popup expands relative to the opening anchor. Use the, or settings to make space, for example for a top or left menu. Use and to gain pixel-precise control of the position of the expanded content. Custom overlaysHighslide JS internally uses two overlays on the image, namely the credits and the full-expand link that appears when the image size has been reduced to fit the client.
If you use or, those are also added internally as overlays. Additionally, you can define your own overlays. First, create a div somewhere in the page, and give it the class name highslide-overlay.
The div also needs an unique id. Please observe that you cannot use this id to apply styles, because the entire div is cloned internally in the script, and the clone looses the id.
Instead, you can apply additional class names to control CSS styles. PreviousNextMoveCloseNext, you have to tie the overlay to one or more thumbnails. In the head section of the HTML page, after the highslide.js script is included, call the function.
The function takes an array object as the first parameter. See for what options you have for customising the overlay.When you want to add individual overlays for each expander, is generally a better option.
Npm Highslide
Or you can use the event to change the properties of the overlay before it is added to each single expander. Additional CSS rules.highslide-html Like highslide-image, this is where you specify borders for.highslide-html-blur Equivalent to highslide-image-blur.highslide-html-content General class that you apply to the element you want to expand.highslide-resize The class name to use if you want an element within the content to behave like a resize handle.highslide-body If the element contains an element with this class name, this element will display scrollbars if the size of the expander is exceeded.
This way you can create headers and footers. If not, scrollbars will be shown in the outer element. Also, when you display AJAX, Iframe or, it will be placed in this container.highslide-header,.highslide-footer,.highslide-previous,.highslide-next,.highslide-move,.highslide-close These are the CSS rules associated with.
Controlling the size of the expanderYou control the size of the expander by setting CSS width and height on the content div. By setting none at all the expander is behaving like a normal div, and takes the entire viewport width if the content wants it. By setting width and not height, the expander takes the height it needs within the viewport.For more detailed control on each single expander, use. These properties override those set using CSS on the content div.
When you use content wrappers, this is generally an easier way than using separate properties and defining the corresponding CSS rules.The size is also affected by,. Self rendering content wrappersSince version 3.3, if is not set for a HTML expander, a self rendered content wrapper is created internally in Highslide. The main content is then either grabbed from Ajax, Iframe, Flash or the keyword. This wrapper is meant to be heavily styled using CSS, and you can use styling for example to remove elements you don't want. The language strings can be localized through the object. To modify the HTML of the wrapper, override the contentWrapper property of the object.The HTML structure of the self rendered content looks like the following.
The included content is injected into the highslide-body. Using inline content with a self rendering content wrapperSince version 4.0, you can define inline content to be injected into a common wrapper, unlike that forces you to define the header and footer every time. Equivalently to and, the maincontent can be. pulled from the alt or title attribute of the thumbnail using,. written in the option or. defined as a hidden div in your web page containing full HTML. To use full HTML, you create a div directly after the opening and give it a class name of highslide-maincontent.
If you want better control, see.Option #3 looks like this. Displaying AJAX contentThe src of the is set using the href attribute of the a, or the inline parameter.
The other setting we need is objectType: 'ajax'. The width and other styling of the AJAX popup is done through the CSS rules associated with.
What separates from Iframe is that you can grab a specific id from the source file if the file is HTML. There are three depths of grabbing:. If the source file doesn't contain a body tag (non-html), the content is inserted as is. If the source file contains a body tag, only the content of the body is inserted, to prevent doctype and head tags to be inserted in the body of the parent page. This means all non-inline CSS disappears, as valid documents only allow CSS rules in the head tag. So you have to define the CSS rules in the parent page rather than in the AJAX source file.
If the href points to a specific id on the page, for example href='ajax.htm#intro', Highslide tries to grab the inner content of that id. This is a great way to keep all the contents of multiple expanders in one file.
It also provides a good fallback for JavaScript disabled user agents. Displaying content in an iframeThe src of the iframe is set using the href attribute of the a, or the inline parameter. The other required setting is. Since version 3.3 Highslide is able to dynamically detect the size of the iframe's content, but this only applies to iframes of the same domain as the parent page.
For external pages you need to set. In addition to these, affects the appearance of the iframe. The width and other styling of the iframe popup is done through the CSS rules associated with. Displaying Flash contentThe Highslide JS Flash capabilities make use of. Since Highslide version 4.0 SWFObject 2.x is used, and this is not backwards compatible with SWFObject 1.5.The first requirement is that you include swfobject.js in your header together with highslide.js.
Like with iframes and Ajax, the URL of the included file goes in the href attribute of the opening anchor, or in the option. Then you use = 'swf' together with and to define the primary options for the included movie. For extended functionality like sending variables to the Flash movie, see.Like with AJAX and iframes, the is injected into a wrapper or a wrapper generated using. Another thing with is that it looks bad when the size of the expander is reduced to fit the viewport. So you want to set to false.
Also note that a bug in Firefox and Camino for Mac requires that if you use a dimming page background, you set.