Vista Pink Pastel Theme Win7

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  1. Windows 7 Themes 3d Fully Customized Free Download
  2. Windows 7 Themes

If you are bored of the old Windows look, then why not change it? I don’t mean to change the wallpaper or the pointer color, but a full customization which will dramatically change the design. If you are looking for a great theme, you should check out these 15 superb examples.This desktop combines the pleasures of a desktop vacation with the functionality of having oft-used folders, controls, and information right on the desktop. Flickr user built this desktop for a tropical, watery theme that that can take you away from the work you’re doing without taking you away from the information you need.Stylish black skin with glass impact. Aero default themes edited clearly with a dark concept in certain parts.This desktop comes from reader and Flickr user (a.k.a.

Windows 7 Themes 3d Fully Customized Free Download

Windows 7 custom themes

Windows 7 Themes

It brings together nature and minimalism in one clean and attractive Windows XP desktop.DeviantART user created a wallpaper and comprehensive icon pack to get this great red and white on black theme. Windows 8 themes in Windows 7This transparent theme is designed to look like the next Windows iteration. It has a clean and minimalistic look.has a desktop that reminds us of Windows Phone 7 and long nights at the blackjack tables in Vegas.